
Canine Vaccination

Our vaccination protocol for dogs is as follows;

Puppies receive their first immunizations at 8 weeks of age followed by two booster vaccines one month apart (at 12 and 16 weeks of age). They will also receive their first Rabies and “kennel-cough” vaccination at this time. They will need a booster Rabies vaccine in a year and thereafter their vaccines will need to be “boosted” every 3 years. This is with the exception of “kennel-cough” which is due annually depending on your pets needs.

Different Pets Have Different Needs

Every pet’s immunization needs may vary according to the many different diseases prevalent in its environment and the relevance of those diseases to its individual wellness. Your veterinarian will help you evaluate these risks and address your pet’s vaccination needs.

Vaccination is Cost Effective

Vaccination is a valuable preventive measure against infectious disease, and can help avoid potential illness and hardship for both you and your pet. Vaccination is a relatively inexpensive and safe way of preventing diseases that jeopardize the life of your pet and may cost much more to treat.

Vaccination Reduces Overall Risk of Diseases

Organisms that can cause disease are prevalent in most pet populations but fortunately regular booster vaccination protects against outbreaks of disease caused by these organisms. Your participation in the process of regular vaccination of your dog protects your pet and helps protect the greater population of dogs in your community.

Pet vaccination offers the additional benefit of reducing the threat of zoonotic illnesses in humans. Rabies is the most important of these diseases.

Regular Veterinary Visits are Essential

You can rely on your veterinarian as the best source of accurate pet health information. During your visit to your veterinarian your pet’s risk of disease will be assessed and an appropriate vaccination program will be recommended. Regular vaccination visits and physical examination of your pet go hand-in-hand in assuring continued good health for your “best friend”.

Vaccinations Recommended

Nervous System Diseases

Rabies is a fatal viral disease of all mammals including dogs, cats, livestock and humans. Infected wildlife and unvaccinated animals are the source of this virus. Rabies is a major health hazard so it is extremely important that your pet be vaccinated against it. In many cases vaccination is required by municipal law and for travel outside Canada.


Vaccination against distemper virus is essential for all dogs. Nearly every dog will be exposed to distemper virus in its lifetime and when infection occurs it is often fatal. Distemper virus attacks many body organs in addition to the nervous system. Symptoms include listlessness, fever, coughing, diarrhea, vomiting and discharge from the eyes and nose. In its final stages it may cause convulsions and paralysis. Death may occur one to three weeks after infection.

Contagious Respiratory Disease

Canine-Cough or Tracheobronchitis

Several types of bacteria and viruses are known to cause infection and inflammation of the lungs and respiratory passages of dogs. Primary among these are adenovirus type 2, parainfluenza virus and Bordetella bronchiseptica. The stress associated with boarding and increased exposure to these organisms commonly results in “kennel-cough” in susceptible dogs.

Gastrointestinal Diseases


This highly contagious and debilitating virus is spread through infected fecal material. It is a very hardy virus and can survive outside its host’s body in the environment for extended periods. In severe cases it can lead to shock and death. Vaccination against parvovirus is extremely important for all dogs.

Infectious Disease of the Liver and Kidneys

The hepatitis virus is spread between dogs by contact with urine feces and other secretions from infected animals. The liver is the primary organ affected and death is possible in severe cases.

Disease Risk Considerations

Age and Nutrition

Young and old animals are the most susceptible to infectious disease. Multiple booster shots are generally required to achieve immunity in puppies. Good nutrition is an important consideration in achieving and maintaining immunity through vaccination. Easy access to a consistent supply of fresh, clean drinking water is also important for your pet’s good health.

Gastrointestinal Parasites

Regular fecal checks and the appropriate deworming procedure is an essential component in maintaining the health of your animal and maximizing its resistance to disease.


Boarding your pet and moving or adding a new pet to your family may increase the stress on canine family members. Whenever these changes are planned it is wise to consult your veterinarian for his/her advice on possible new or additional immunization requirements.

Wildlife & Livestock

Wildlife is known to carry diseases which can harm you and your pet. Many of these animals are common to both urban and rural settings. These are just a few: raccoons, skunks, squirrels, rodents, coyotes, foxes, bats, feral dogs.

Surface Water

Puddles, ponds, ditches, sloughs, streams, lakes, rivers and marshes may all contain disease carrying organisms that can cause illness in your dog. Vaccination against these diseases is the key to your dog’s good health.

Outdoor Activity

Regular exercise plays a necessary and integral role in the health of all dogs. However with this activity comes the risk of contracting disease causing organisms carried, secreted and excreted by other dogs and wildlife. The daily walks that you give your dog may expose it to many invisible pathogens. Fortunately your veterinarian can offer vaccines for protection against most of these diseases.

Insect Vectors

If you live in or take your dog to areas of known tick-populations your veterinarian may recommend vaccination against Lyme disease. It is also prudent to consider heartworm prevention for your dogs during mosquito season.

Vacation Travel

If you plan to take your pet on vacation with you it is wise to make an advance visit to your veterinarian. Many diseases vary in their prevalence from area to area, requiring additional immunization and preventive considerations for your pet.